Is It OK to Take Kratom Every Day?

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Is It OK to Take Kratom Every Day









Too much of anything can quickly tip the scales from beneficial to detrimental, and Kratom is no exception. While you technically could, and many do take Kratom every day, there are many reasons why you may want to reconsider approaching the Kratom in this matter. 

Long story short, researchers don’t know enough about Kratom to fully support the safety of it even with short-term use, and prolonged exposure may exasperate your risks – but that’s not the only reason.







Getting Mixed Messages? 


You aren’t alone!


As society works towards deepening their understanding of Kratom and how it works, a lot of propaganda and conflicting information will make its way out into the public – from both those who are against Kratom and from those who advocate for it. 


In this post, we aim to give you unbiased information about taking kratom every day. 


Building A Tolerance to Kratom


The human body’s ability to adapt has gone a long way in ensuring the survival of our species, but it also comes with some downsides, like a natural inclination toward building tolerance. 


When the body builds a tolerance to something, a person needs more of it to achieve their desired effect. The more frequently you take something, the more quickly tolerance builds, which is more often than not the case with the daily use of Kratom.  And many people do use kratom daily, for example for social anxiety.


If you take Kratom every day you may quickly find yourself with a creeping desire to increase your dose, which in addition to being hard on the digestive system, is a slippery slope for a variety of other reasons that we’ll touch on below. 


Why Daily Kratom Use is Controversial 


When you’re browsing Kratom related forums, you’ll likely notice a divide between people who take Kratom daily with no issue and those who took Kratom daily and caution others against doing the same.


While we are not medical professionals and are not qualified to say for certain, there appears to be a correlation between those who use very small doses for an energy boost and those who promote its daily use, while those who take moderate to high doses for things like pain and anxiety relief seem to fall on the side of cautioning others. 


Could it be that some of these risks increase with higher doses? Perhaps, but it’s hard to say for certain. 


What we do know is that there are documented cases of people who have experienced what we touch on below, which indicates a need for caution when determining how often to consume Kratom, especially if you’re taking other medications like suboxone.


Psychological Dependence and Physical Addiction 


Kratom has a powerful effect on mood, promoting feelings of well being, and with larger doses even the full-blown euphoria. While Kratom boasts dozens of compounds, the research that has been done indicates that this is due to the fact that some of them are partial opioid receptor agonists. 


With that information in mind, it’s clear to see how a psychological dependence of Kratom could quickly develop with regular use. 


Physical addiction is also a possibility, as with a variety of other substances when they are consumed on a daily basis.


Kratom is not alone in this regard, and we should be careful not to completely demonize it on this basis alone, but for harm reduction purposes it is important to acknowledge it. 


There’s A Lot We Don’t Understand 


We’ve hit on this in some other posts, but it’s a point worth driving home.


There have been documented cases of people running into severe side effects from Kratom who were otherwise healthy. Some of these individuals only used Kratom occasionally. 


As things currently stand, we have no true understanding of what may cause some individuals to be more vulnerable than others. 


By using Kratom daily, you may be subjecting yourself to unknown risks and long-term side effects. 


The Takeaway 


While some people out there have gotten away with using Kratom daily without ill effect, user reports, and the limited medical studies that we do have access to indicate that you should proceed with caution.


If you’re considering using Kratom at all, it’s important that you consult with a trustworthy medical professional to assess where you may fall on the risk/benefit spectrum. 


Something else on your mind that we might be able to help clear up for you? 


Feel free to drop a comment!


Will Kratom Have Any Effect If You’re On Suboxone?

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Suboxone and Kratom




Kratom and Suboxone have both become increasingly common in recovery communities. Both are said to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce the chances of relapse, but unlike Suboxone, Kratom is multifaceted and used by people for many other reasons too. 

Kratom is also plant-based, which has appeal for those who are looking to keep things natural. Although, it’s important to note that in many cases natural doesn’t always mean safer, especially with substances like Kratom that need more research. 

If you’re considering either of these, be sure to consult with a trusted healthcare professional before proceeding.










Hearing People Talk About Both and Feeling Confused? 


In this post, we’re breaking down some key pieces of information that will hopefully help you to gain a better understanding of where these two substances stand. 


If you’ve been curious, thumbing through the sections below should help to point you in the right direction. 


What is Kratom 


Kratom is an incredibly complex plant that has been around for quite some time, but most of what we know about it comes from word of mouth. The research surrounding this plant is in its beginning stages, and its safety profile overall is the subject of a lot of controversies. 


One of its most researched compounds, Mitragynine, interacts with the opioid receptors in the brain – but not in the same way that traditional opiates and opioids do. So far, research suggests that it is only a partial opioid receptor agonist, with less potential for overdose than some of the “harder” substances that people abuse that work in similar ways, perhaps similar to kava


Because Kratom does interact with the opioid receptors, many find it to be helpful for weaning off of more potent opioids, reducing the effects of withdrawal, and for easing cravings that may otherwise lead to relapse. 


In lower doses, Kratom can have a euphoric and energizing effect leading some people to use it simply for a boost or to take the edge off when a long stressful day lays ahead.  If you’re looking for the best kratom for stress, read the linked article.


What is Suboxone 


Suboxone is a pharmaceutical that contains a blend of Buprenorphine and Naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist while Naloxone works to reduce a person’s ability to actually feel the effects that come from it. This lessens withdrawal symptoms and cravings that are rooted in physiological dependence without allowing the user to achieve the same high that they otherwise would from having an opioid agonist in their system. 


The Naloxone component of Suboxone also works to prevent the user from achieving a high in the event that they do relapse. 


The Dangers of Mixing Kratom and Suboxone 


Kratom and Buprenorphine, one of the compounds in Suboxone, are both partial opioid receptor agonists, and they should not be combined. They may potentiate one another and reduce the efficiency of naloxone. 


In fact, mixing Kratom with any prescription or substance is strongly advised against due to the fact that we do not know enough about how it interacts with other compounds. This article notes down in the third paragraph that a large chunk of the hospitalizations associated with Kratom occur when it is mixed. 


Although, it can have some serious side effects in some people even when not mixed.


Is one better than the other for recovery from addiction? 


Suboxone is approved for use in humans by the FDA. Kratom is largely unregulated, and we do not know enough about it to make definite conclusions about its effectiveness or safety profile. 


While Kratom and Suboxone both have compounds that are partial opioid agonist, Suboxone has the added benefits of containing Naloxone, which decreases the ability to achieve a high – making long term dependency less appealing. 


Kratom has no component in it that acts like Naloxone, and users can still effectively “chase a high” with it, which may encourage prolonged use – although many believe it to be a safer substance to be dependent on with less of a risk of deadly overdose when compared to things like heroin. 


Should Suboxone be used for Kratom Withdrawal? 


As we touched on in the paragraph above, Kratom does have abuse potential that often gets overlooked in advocacy groups and forums. For the sake of honesty, we feel it important to be candid about the possibility of becoming physically addicted to Kratom with regular use. 


While the withdrawal symptoms from Kratom are generally far less severe than they are with more potent substances, they can be incredibly uncomfortable for some individuals – especially for those who take Kratom daily and then stop without tapering down their dose. 


With the increased popularity of Kratom has come a handful of cases of people turning to suboxone to assist with withdrawal symptoms and to reduce Kratom cravings. 


Although, many feel that using Suboxone and its generic counterparts to stop using Kratom may actually increase a person’s physical dependence on opioids, and worsen physical withdrawal symptoms once discontinued due to the hefty dose of buprenorphine in Suboxone meant to tackle the withdrawal from more potent opioids. 


The Takeaway 


While Kratom and Suboxone are two popular choices for people looking to move forward with their recovery, they are quite different despite both being looked at as “stepping stones”. 


If you’re thinking about trying either Kratom or Suboxone, it is important to seek the advice of a medical professional before coming to a conclusion about the best course of action. 


It is also important to note that while incredibly helpful for many, Kratom is not perfect or even regulated, and until we know more about it there will always be an inherent risk factor involved with ingesting it. This is especially true for people taking kratom every day.


Have questions that you think we might be able to answer? 


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Kava vs. Kratom

Kava vs Kratom










While both of these plants are appealing to similar demographics, there are some key differences when it comes to the effects produced and how they’re produced. 

Curious about the most noteworthy differences?  Read on to learn more!



















Pharmacological Differences and Effects 


While there are some similarities between the two plants, the mechanisms of action between Kava and Kratom are very different. While both plants have appeal to those who are looking to reduce anxiety, pain and promote euphoria, you’re essentially comparing apples to oranges. 


When somebody consumes Kava, the effects primarily come from compounds called Kavalactones, which act on GABA receptors and promote dopamine reuptake inhibition


Kratom influences a number of neurotransmitters while stimulating the Mu and Delta opioid receptors.  


The Effects of Kava 

Kava can have pain-relieving effects, but not in the same way that Kratom does. Its pain-relieving effects are mostly rooted in the reduction of muscle tension and the body relaxation that comes from the plant’s GABA activity. 


Many people who use Kava compare its effects to alcohol, but without the loss of thought clarity and with less of an effect on inhibitions. 


Many recovering alcoholics use the plant to fight cravings, because of the way that it produces a similar sense of calm without some of alcohol’s nasty side effects, like changes in personality and memory loss.  


There are even Kava bars where people can go to socialize with other kava drinkers. 


Although, like alcohol, it may not be the best for the liver, despite being thought of as the lesser of two evils when comparing the risks/rewards of the two substances. 


Those looking for an alternative to benzodiazepines and other anxiety medications also turn to Kava quite often. 


If you’re considering using Kava, be sure to check with your healthcare provider, conduct thorough research, and use your own discernment. The same goes for Kratom! 


The Effects of Kratom 

Kratom, at its core, is an incredibly effective pain reliever due to acting on the brain in a similar way to how pharmaceutical pain killers do. It also has a powerful effect on mood – producing the onset of euphoria and a reduction of anxiety.  (See our round-up of the best kratom for anxiety.) 


In lower doses, Kratom’s energizing effects tend to take center stage – which has an appeal for those looking for an alternative to stimulant medications for ADHD, and for those who just need a boost or assistance with regulating energy, which makes sense given that Kratom is related to the Coffee tree. 


When higher doses are ingested, Kratom’s sedative and analgesic effects take over, resulting in “classic” opiate effects – although kratom is technically not an opiate, as evidenced by it having an effect even on people taking suboxone.  


With these similarities to opiates/opioids comes a similar side effect profile, in addition to other unique side effects, some known and others still unknown due to the lack of research. 


We cover side effects in more detail in some of our other articles. 


Addiction Potential 

While both of these substances have the potential to be habit-forming, the general consensus seems to be that Kratom has far more potential to lead to dependence and physical addition than Kava. 


This is largely in part because of what allows Kratom to be effective – the way that it interacts with the opioid receptors. 


While the opinion of many seems to be that there is less abuse potential for Kava, you shouldn’t take our word for it, as we are not medical professionals. 


Legal Differences

Kava is entirely legal in the United States, and there doesn’t seem to be much of a push by the government to change that as things currently stand. 


Kava did face a fair bit of scrutiny in the past, during its initial “boom” in the 90s, when it was banned in some European countries after research was released that pointed to liver damage potential. Since then, some of those countries have reversed their bans in favor of placing a consumer warning on Kava products instead, after more research indicated there wasn’t enough evidence to say for certain. 


Kratom, on the other hand, is currently banned in 9 cities and in 6 states, with regulatory legislation pending in a large handful of other states.  


The legal climate surrounding Kratom is steadily changing, so it’s important to stay up to date on the laws in your area if you do decide to try it out to avoid repercussions. 


The Takeaway 

Kratom and Kava both offer potent relief and seem to improve the overall quality of life for individuals looking to cope with a variety of circumstances. 


The effects of these two plants are similar in their ability to induce a state of relaxation and euphoria, but the type of relaxation/euphoria, and how that effect is produced within the body is starkly different. 

If you’re looking for a plant to use purely for relaxation purposes, rather than pain relief, Kava may be the safer place to start in terms of side effects and addiction potential, although you should consult with a trusted expert before proceeding.









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Is Kratom Bad for Your Heart?

The effects of kratom vary based on a number of factors, all of which play a role in its effect on the cardiovascular system. This plant can be both stimulating and sedating, depending on the strain and dose. It has the potential to both increase and decrease the heart rate, but there’s much more to take into consideration.

What We Do Know 

Looking for answers about how Kratom impacts the cardiovascular system? 

While our understanding of Kratom and how its compounds work within the body is not where it needs to be to provide people with definite answers, there are some things that we do know thanks to early research. 

Read on for some points that you might want to consider.

How Does Kratom Act In The Body 

Kratom is believed to work primarily by acting on the opioid receptors, although current research suggests that some of the plant’s more obscure compounds may hit other receptors. 

Depending on the dose and strain taken, it can produce effects that range from stimulating and euphoric to sedating and pain-relieving.  See our kratom vendor reviews for a full range of options for each desired effect.

The two active compounds believed to be predominantly responsible for the effects of the plant are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Although, as research stands right now, there are over 20 unique compounds that have been isolated from Kratom – all of which likely work together synergistically.

Multiple organs, such as the stomach, liver, and intestines all play a role in how the compounds of the plant are broken down and “activated” to produce Kratom’s wide range of effects

For a more in-depth understanding of what is known about its pharmacology, you may wish to check out this medical journal, which provides a relatively thorough analysis broken up into sections. 

Kratom And Heart Conditions 

Kratom should not be taken by anyone who has an underlying heart condition or cardiovascular issue. Some users report the onset of tachycardia, otherwise known as “a rapid heart rate”, which could have serious implications for those with pre-existing conditions. 

In addition to that, Kratom is generally thought to be unsafe to mix with pharmaceuticals, especially cardiac medications – including but not limited to beta-blockers.  

Kratom should also be avoided by those with high blood pressure, as some users have reported the onset of an increase following the ingestion of this plant. 

Kratoms Effects On the Heart 

This study documents the case of a 26-year-old man who took kratom, and then 24 hours later went into cardiac arrest. However, his toxicology screening also showed the presence of codeine, which he took shortly before admission to the hospital. 

The notes that fatal cardiac events associated with kratom seem to be rare, although with no other known potential cause for the onset of the cardiac event in the case documented, the doctors listed the death as being a direct result of Kratom ingestion. 

Whether or not this was a fair conclusion to come to is up for debate, as the study does not include information about whether or not there was an undiagnosed underlying condition, or if the Kratom was analyzed for adulterants like research chemicals. 

Although, we are not medical experts and are not qualified to provide a professional analysis of these studies – so it is important that you use discernment or seek the opinion of a qualified healthcare professional. 

The Impact Of Kratoms Stimulating Effects 

Stimulating compounds that increase heart rate are all cardiotoxic to some degree. Even caffeine, which people all across the globe use throughout the day in the form of coffee and other beverages like soda and energy drinks. 

Kratom is not perfect, and as mentioned above does cause an elevation in heart rate in some individuals, particularly when a stimulating strain is used – such as “white” or “green” varieties, although it can happen with red vein Kratom, too. 

The Impact Of Kratoms Sedating Effects 

Higher doses of Kratom typically provided a relaxing, sedating effect in most people. This is even more likely to be the case when a red vein or gold strain is used. 

When the sedative properties kick in, a decrease in heart rate is likely to follow. While people typically associated an increase in heart rate with cardiotoxicity, a lowered heart rate can also be problematic in some individuals. 

Especially if you have an arrhythmia or an underlying condition that interferes with breathing, such as sleep apnea. 

The Takeaway

Based on the research that we do have available, experiencing cardiac complications from kratom use seems to be rare. 

Many healthy individuals use Kratom in moderation and have no noticeable changes in their cardiac function, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. 

If you’re thinking about trying Kratom, you should consult with a trustworthy healthcare professional to determine where you fall on the risk/benefit spectrum.

Have questions that you think we can help with? Feel free to drop a comment!

What Are the Side Effects of Kratom?

Doctor Describing the Side Effects of Kratom

What Are the Side Effects of Kratom originally appeared on

With over 20 active chemicals, Kratom is an incredibly complex plant. The research surrounding its human consumption is still in its beginning stages, and there’s a lot about both the documented side effects and potential side effects that remains uncertain due to the lack of regulation.

This is one of Kratom’s pitfalls – which
is a double-edged sword as this lack of regulation is what keeps the plant accessible to those who would otherwise turn to equally if not more questionable substances. However, that doesn’t mean you have to go into your decision about whether or not to use it totally blind.

What Current Research And User Experience Tells Us 

Thanks to the research that has been done, and the documented experiences of those who have decided to see for themselves, there is
some information out there about what those who ingest Kratom may be able to expect. 

Read on to learn more! 

Long-term vs. Short-term Side Effects 

Like with most substances, Kratom has multiple side effects – some of which last during the duration of its compounds circulating through the body, and others that are potentially long-lasting. That is why it is critically important to spot the best vendors you can from the outset.

Potential Short-term side effects of Kratom 

Kratom has an estimated half-life of around 7 hours, and most of the complications listed in this section clear up during that time period, although that may not be the case for you. 

  • Nausea 
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Itchiness 
  • Increased heart rate – May be dose/strain dependent 
  • Decreased heart rate – May be dose/strain dependent 
  • Shallow breathing – May be dose/strain dependent 
  • Arrhythmia 
  • Seizures  
  • Liver toxicity 

Potential Long-term side effects of Kratom 

These side effects seem to increase in likelihood with prolonged usage, and research indicates that they can persist even after its metabolites have been processed out of the body. It’s also important to note that if you become dependent or physically addicted to Kratom, discontinuing usage may have long-term side effects of its own. 

  • Dependence/addiction
  • Cross tolerance to opioids 
  • Constipation 
  • Changes in urination 
  • Weight loss 
  • Hair loss 
  • Liver toxicity 

There’s No Solid Way to Determine Severe Side Effect Potential

While the less severe side effects, like nausea and itchiness, occur in a large percentage of kratom users from time to time, the more severe side effects, like seizures, liver damage, and cardiac disturbances are reported far less often. 

However, researchers have yet to determine who may be more likely to experience some of the more severe side effects, and
you should not make a choice about whether or not to use Kratom based solely on the information provided here. 

Here are some of the
known real life cases where people, unfortunately, fell victim to Kratom’s potential for severe side effects. 

Side Effects From Mixing Kratom 

Long story short, you should never mix Kratom with other substances – not even with prescription medications. 

Kratom’s long list of largely unexplored compounds may interact with other compounds in unpredictable ways. 

What we
do know so far is that mixing Kratom with central nervous system depressants, other opioids, stimulants, psychedelics, cardiac medications, antidepressants, and antipsychotics is without a doubt dangerous, and greatly exasperates the likelihood of running into complications. 


Dose-Dependent Effects of Kratom 

One of Kratom’s attributes that makes it so unique is the broad range of effects that can be produced, and in most cases, controlled depending on the dosage, although some of the effects remain constant across all dosages. 

Even when taking the same strain, the experience from a 2-4 gram dose may differ greatly from a 4-7 gram dose from the same batch – and not just in intensity, but in the experience overall. 

While some of the effects mentioned here will likely sound appealing, it’s important to be aware that they may happen concurrently with any of the side effects mentioned above, or other unknown side effects regardless of the dosage or strain.

Kratom’s Effect At Low Doses 

  • Energizing 
  • Stimulating 
  • Euphoric
  • Confidence boosting
  • Decrease in inhibition 

Kratom’s Effect At Moderate to High Doses 

  • Analgesic 
  • Sedating 
  • Euphoric 
  • Decrease in inhibition

Routinely taking moderate to high doses of Kratom can increase tolerance relatively quickly, and in turn, increase your likelihood of becoming dependent and or physically addicted to Kratom.

The Takeaway 

Kratom boasts a number of attributes that may work to improve the overall quality of life for many, but it’s not perfect. 

It comes with a long list of known potential side effects that you should factor into your decision-making process, and possibly more than we have yet to become aware of. 

Have questions that you think we can help with? Feel free to drop a comment!

Kratom Tea-Making – Brewing and Dosing Ideas for the Rest of Us

Because kratom isn’t FDA tested or approved, kratom can only be sold in the United States for burning as incense – it does burn quite nicely, with smells reminiscent of a crisp fall day. I cannot condone the ingestion of kratom or kratom tea, but for those who are looking for an all-natural, effective, legal means of attenuating chronic pain – say from Lyme Disease or spinal cord issues, Kratom is an amazing leaf, and may offer the relief you seek.

Kratom is the dried and crushed (or powdered) leaves from the species Mitragyna speciosa, a tree which is native to Southeast Asia. The kratom tree is in the same botanical family as the coffee tree. It’s been used as a medicinal & recreational herbal drug for thousands of years, and offers stimulant (at low doses), sedative (at higher doses), analgesic, and (yes) euphoric, opiate-like properties. Kratom contains similar alkaloids as the pharmaceutical, synthetic opiates, but is said to be much less addictive. In-fact, sometimes kratom is used as a means to lessen opiate addiction withdrawal symptoms. If you are going to use it for pain relief, however, please be careful and treat it with respect.

After 2 back surgeries and years of occasional, yet severe discomfort, I’ve come to realize that I needed a non-addictive means of controlling the spells of severe back pain that creep-up from time-to-time; kratom fits that bill perfectly. Kratom is an all-natural solutions that really works for me.

Frankly, I’m not sure if it actually dulls the back pain, or whether it makes me just not care about it (because, frankly, it gives a really wonderful opiate-like buzz that feels just GREAT!). I guess it really doesn’t matter; I occasionally use kratom, I feel better… period. Life is good!

Now, there are some who actually enjoy the age-old ritual of boiling-dipping-stirring-straining-repeating, in order to make a batch of kratom tea. Indeed, some also savor the alkaline-bitter, green-grass taste of kratom tea… but personally, I don’t care-for either. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the smell of fresh kratom leaves & powder, and I love the pain-relieving and attitude-altering effects of kratom, but that bitter alkali taste – the very ingredient that makes kratom so special, just turns my stomach. Kratom tea preparation isn’t ritualistic for me, but instead a necessary evil, a real pain-in-the-butt chore that needs to be accomplished in order to enjoy the benefits of the leaf.

BREWING THE BREW: I’ve discovered that using an old-school coffee percolator takes the pain out of brewing kratom tea. I purchased an old glass Pyrex 8-cup percolator on eBay for 15 dollars, and it makes really great kratom tea. I’d stay-away from the automatic, plug-in coffee or tea makers, because you’ll want to brew your kratom tea much longer than the typical automatic coffee percolator cycle. I really like my clear glass percolator for kratom brewing, so that I can watch the tea darken as I go. Find a reliable source of kratom… remember, kratom is usually sold as incense. Personally, I feel it’s best to stay-away from extracts and adulterated “enhanced” mixtures – I stick with standard, all-natural kratom leaves.

Read Full Article Here: Kratom Tea-Making – Brewing and Dosing Ideas for the Rest of Us